Symptoms Of Toxicity Or Reactivity


Scanning the technical literature dealing with the science of new materials development for use in dental fillings and medical prosthetics quickly reveals an abiding concern in article after article regarding the durability and strength of the products. There is, however, only a minimal effort to determine whether or not the products being tested are biocompatible with the patients into which they will be placed. Compatibility studies frequently center on animal models and have only minimal value when they are applied to humans. Little or no allowance is made for biological individuality and for the impact of individual thresholds and prior body burden of adverse materials. Generalized conclusions of compatibility for humanity are pronounced with diversionary comments that the dentist or physician, not the evaluating body, has final responsibility for any adverse reactions with the materials. Professional societies which presume authority to approve or disapprove of the use of materials sidestep any suggestion of responsibility for adverse reactions in patients with approved materials by saying that they approve the materials at production, but cannot approve anything once it is in the hands of the dentist or physician in that they have no control over how the treating professional will mix or apply the material.

When compatibility is concerned, the primary criteria used to determine suitability of these materials for human use watch for classical immunologic rejection signs, and sometimes for allergic manifestations based on IGE globulin detection. These are certainly valid criteria and should be monitored carefully. However, other criteria that may have greater significance involve changes in physiologic function and cellular metabolism, as well as indications of systemic responses to the materials by the immune system in globulins other than IGE. There is an obvious need for objective individual testing and monitoring of patients and individual compatibility testing is an idea whose time has come.

In addition to laboratory-based in-vitro testing, there are other indications in symptoms and behavioral factors which can be taken into consideration. Most investigators seldom bother to investigate extensive physiological impact or behavioral manifestations after materials placement in the patient, but they do occur. The treating professional can monitor these areas, and in many cases, an informed auxiliary staff and even some patients themselves can be taught to observe and report signs of intolerance to dental or implanted materials. Here is a list of 22 areas which can be observed in the patient after materials have been placed. It should be kept in mind that some of these areas are directly associated with systemic immune activity and that normally these signs and symptoms may not appear for 30 day to 60 days or so after materials have been placed.


Here is a summary of the signs and symptoms which may suggest materials intolerance. Following the summary, each of the areas are individually examined.

  1. Changes in sleep habits or cycles
  2. Changes in appetite and ability to digest or otherwise handle foods
  3. Changes in mood, irritability, tolerance of noise or distractions
  4. Loss of energy and ability to cope with physical stress
  5. Substantial changes in bowel and bladder function and void frequency
  6. Increase in infections, especially 4 to 8 weeks post placement
  7. Substantial loss of lucidity, rational thought, mental agility, problem solving capability and memory
  8. Unexplained rashes, skin irritations, swelling, fluid retention or severe itching
  9. Changes in skin pallor and texture
  10. Cold extremities where they were “normal” prior to placement
  11. Increases in sweat generation, especially when there is no temperature extreme to elicit the increase
  12. Increased foot or body odor, with feet often taking on a dingy yellow or orange colour
  13. Otherwise unexplained increase in jumpiness, jitteriness or tenseness
  14. Increased in bruxism and TMJ pains
  15. Increased numbness, tingling or twitching in the extremities or about the head and face
  16. Decreased breath and stamina, inability to exercise as before placement
  17. Increased chest pains, tachycardia and angina
  18. Substantial changes in ovulation, frequency and intensity of menstrual flow and sexual interest
  19. Odd tastes in the mouth not previously present
  20. Marked increases in headaches, neuralgia, migraines and pounding in the head
  21. Substantial adverse changes in blood pressure and pulse rate
  22. Substantial increases in spectrum and intensity of allergic actions and mucus generation.




Mercury Overview

In many people it can cause an adverse reaction. This may be in the form of a mild allergy to a severe system breakdown.

The Most Common Symptoms Of Mercury Toxicity

  • Irritability
  • Fits of anger
  • Lack of energy
  • Fatigue
  • Low self esteem
  • Drowsiness
  • Decline of intellect
  • Low self control
  • Nervousness
  • Memory loss
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Shyness / timidity
  • Insomnia

Mercury Vapour Exposure - Signs and Symptoms

  • Psychological Disturbances (erethism): Irritability; Fits of Anger; Lack of Attention; Low Self Confidence; Drowsiness; Decline of Intellect; Low Self Control; Nervousness; Memory Loss; Depression; Anxiety; Shyness /Timidity; Insomnia.
  • Oral Cavity Disorders: Bleeding Gums; Stomatitis; Loosening of Teeth; Excessive Saliva; Foul Breath; Metallic Taste; White Patches - Mouth; Bone Loss around Teeth; Ulcers of Gums, Palate, Tongue; Burning of Mouth; Gum Pigmentation.
  • Gastrointestinal Effects: Abdominal Cramps; Colitis; Gastrointestinal Problems; Diarrhoea.

Systemic Effects:

  • Cardiovascular
  • Irregular Heart Beat; Changes in Blood Pressure; Feeble or Irregular Pulse;  Pain or Pressure in Chest.
  • Neurologic
  • Chronic or Frequent Headaches; Dizziness; Ringing or Noises in Ears; Fine Tremors (Hands, Feet, Eye Lids, Tongue).
  • Respiratory
  • Persistent Cough; Emphysema; Shallow or Irregular Breathing
  • Immunological
  • Allergies; Rhinitis; Swollen Lymph Nodes in Neck; Asthma; Sinusitis.
  • Endocrine
  • Subnormal Temperature; Excessive Perspiration; Fatigue; Edema; Loss of Weight; Cold Clammy Hands and Feet; Muscle Weakness; Hypoxia; Loss of Appetite; Joint Pain.

Your Inquiry About Mercury Toxicity

In the past when I was first made aware of the dangers of mercury amalgams, the dental profession held the position that mercury does not come out of amalgam fillings, and if it did in miniscule amounts.
The claim was readily dispelled by simply having a patient who has mercury-silver restorations (amalgams) chew vigorously for a few minutes and then analyzing the air in that patient's mouth with a Jerome Mercury Vapour detector. We consistently found when we performed this test SIGNIFICANT mercury vapour levels were recorded. Whether the filling is one or ten years old, the amount of vapour detected is frequently in the hazardous range. We purchased this elaborate equipment in the early nineties to validate for patients that this was the case. With the internet and the research it now can be readily viewed and validation is no longer necessary.

This is not a new discovery. For instance, even in 1949, Dr Ralph Phillips published the results of studying 100 fillings at random. Age was not a factor in the study. He found mercury contents in fillings ranged from 24.95% up to 64.95%. Newly placed amalgams are currently made with an average of 52% pure mercury although amalgams in the past were sometimes made with an even greater percentage of mercury.

But the 24.95% noted by Dr Phillips is at least a 50% decreases from the amount of mercury in those fillings when they were originally made.

Where did the mercury go,
and if it became absorbed into the body,
what impact does it have on your health?

Mercury And The Impact On Your Health

As mercury is released from your amalgam fillings, it tends to react with your body chemicals and bacteria to form various toxic mercurials. By far the most dangerous is methylmercury, which can be formed by several different mechanisms and incorporated into your body. Once incorporated, this methylmercury has adverse effects on neurological, cardiac, vascular, digestive, endocrine and other tissues.

Virtually everyone reacts to the presence of mercury.

This universal reaction, however, is not easily seen in all people who have mercury-silver fillings. Only some people react strongly enough to require medical help. Unfortunately, this medical help is usually unsuccessful as long as mercury remains in the body.

Contamination And Your Health

While some people show very little outward reaction to mercury, even minimal contamination can affect your health.
Some experience only a slight change in their immune system. This might result in three colds per winter instead of two, or an elevation of 2000-3000 in their white blood cell count. The more highly reactive patient, however, could become totally incapacitated with neurologic, cardiac, gastrointestinal or immune complications resulting from the effects of mercury in the body. This information can be gleaned by the above attachments.

The point is that mercury should not be placed in the mouth

What Happens To Mercury In Your Fillings After It Is Released From The Amalgam?

Many things.

It can go into the nasal sinus and subsequently into the brain, or it might be absorbed into the blood through the lungs or within the mouth. In addition, mercury could be further modified and bound into complex molecules for absorption within the stomach and gastrointestinal tract.
Once absorbed into the body, the mercury tends to concentrate and bind to certain selective 'target tissues'. This contributes to the development of a variety of disease manifestations. One of the most tragic problems from this concentration process comes when the mercury which is bound to red blood cells exchanges and crosses the placental barrier, where it concentrates as much as 30% higher in foetal blood than in mother's blood.

Mercury leaks from the amalgam fillings in two forms: Mercury vapour escapes from dental amalgam over a lifetime of the filling. The escape is most pronounced when eating and when drinking hot liquids, and continues for 90 minutes after these activities cease. The release of vapour is especially active in people who are mouth breathers at night, and who clench and grind their teeth at night. The fact that the muscles of mastication are all sore indicates the she may be affected. In these people, the normal protective action of saliva is lost as it dies, allowing mercury vapour to escape at a faster rate. The grinding action causes the muscles of mastication to become sore and intensifies this escape. Thus, mouth breathing carries the full vapour load directly into the lungs. Within the lung, mercury vapour easily crosses the membranes into the bloodstream, and is subsequently transported to every part of the body supplied by blood. This includes those mercury-sensitive synovial areas of joints. Upon entering the synovial tissues, or the brain, it is quickly oxidized. Oxidized mercury has a strong affinity for sulfhydryl proteins, which are highly concentrated in the brain, synovial tissues, the immune system, and in the endocrine glands (thyroid and adrenal glands included).

In addition to the vapours, elemental mercury also leaks from dental amalgam and enters the surrounding soft tissues. The escape is made possible by oral galvanism. Oral galvanic activity requires the following: dissimilar metals (such as in amalgam); an electrolyte solution (such as is normally present in saliva and dentin fluid); an acidic pH (saliva with a pH below pH 7.0). When these requirements are met, you have everything that is needed to form a battery. The resultant galvanic activity causes corrosion and thereby facilitates the exit of mercury from the amalgamation to surrounding soft tissues. Oral galvanic activity enhances the uptake of the mercury into the blood capillaries where it can then be carried throughout the body.

What Disease Do Those Who React Develop?

Briefly, there are five divisions of diseases.

  1. Neurological- including emotional responses such as depression, anxiety and irritability as well as neural effects such as facial twitches, muscle spasms, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis.
  2. Cardiovascular- unexplained rapid heart rate and / or unidentified chest pains.
  3. Collagen diseases- such as arthritis, scleroderma and lupus.
  4. Immunologic -lowering the body's defense system capacity and the viability of white blood cells.
  5. Allergies and fatigue -mercury can alter chemistries so that some people become sensitive to foods and chemicals.

How We Remove Mercury And Dental Toxins From Your System

The most important guidelines for mercury - toxic patients is that they must NOT rush out and have their amalgams removed.

A four step plan is the key to success and health restoration:


The key here, however is that all of these steps must be taken prior to the actual sequential removal of fillings.
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