Dr Eric Davis
I graduated in 1980 as a dentist but also with illnesses that were not responding as well as I would have liked. I had asthma, migraines,
fatigue and inflammatory bowel disease and had puffers, tablets and cortisone suppositories. Frequent questioning of my gastroenterologist
for causes just returned the cliche that it was "stress' and had nothing to do with diet / nutrition.
In retrospect, my health took a downturn in fourth year university when we started training with mercury - amalgams. Everyone now knows how
toxic mercury is.
My girlfriend at the time (who is now my wife) was having some PMS symptoms and a pharmacist recommended to her that taking 100mg of B6 may help, which it did. I had just graduated, knew everything and said "that's all bull" you get all you need in your diet. The results, however, spoke for themselves and I realised my ignorance. This subsequently led me to pursue postgraduate studies in Clinical Nutrition.
Within six months on an eating plan and supplementation programme designed to Balance my Chemistry which included the avoidance of sugar, alcohol, caffeine and refined carbohydrates, milk, cheese and the removal of my amalgams, I was asymptomatic. The change was dramatic, but there were cycles of improvement and relapse until understanding the benefit of Balancing Body Chemistry.
My interest and zest for total health has led me on a lifelong exploration and study.
I formally thank and owe gratitude to Dr Hal Huggins and Sam Queen for their guidance and direction
they have given me. Allowing me the wisdom and knowledge to get well and stay well and help countless other people.
Our dental practice is made up of a team of health professionals and allied staff dedicated to excellence and wellness. Our goal is that our
Centre develops and maintains a reputation as a wellness resource providing comprehensive dental care, with emphasis on how the oral
environment affects the whole body.
We believe dentistry has a greater role to play in the management of the environmentally ill patient and those whose disease aetiology is still identified as idiopathic iatrogenic or unknown.
Important explanation about the connection between dentistry and nutrition and natural medicine

About Dr Eric Davis
Dr Davis is principal of a large and busy dental practice and is well known in the Health Care Industry as a leader in the field of
Biological Dentistry. Dr Davis is also the clinical director of Nutrition Diagnostics.
To this end he has pursued Post-graduate studies in the areas of Clinical Nutrition and Medical Acupuncture, Neural Therapy, Homotoxicology
and Electroacupuncture according to Voll.
He was a founding member and past president of the Australian Society of Oral Medicine and Toxicology.
In 1996 Dr Davis was made a fellow of the Australian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine.
Dr Davis has maintained membership with the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, The Australian Medical Acupuncture
Society, The Australian College of Nutrition and Environmental Medicine.
Dr Davis has lectured in the areas of Biological Dentistry and Nutrition both nationally and internationally.