Mercury Doesn’t Just Stay in The Mouth

Mercury is considered one of the most toxic substance to humankind.  Yet, for some reason, it became common practice to place it in the mouths of humans. Even stranger, though, is that this practice still occurs today. That’s right; mercury amalgam is still being placed into the mouths of people by dentists the world over.

Thankfully, most dentists now recognise that mercury amalgams are toxic, and are, therefore, seriously harmful to our health. What many dentists either don’t know or accept, however, is that removing mercury from the mouth merely cuts off the supply. Amalgam removal does nothing towards the eradication of mercury stored throughout the body - often in the brain, liver, kidney or bone - that has been accumulated over years of exposure.

Think about it; mercury is only harmful to humans when it comes out of the amalgam. If no mercury escaped from amalgam fillings, it would not pose any harm to humans. So, if you believe (which most dentists do) that mercury amalgam is harmful to health and that it should be removed from the mouth, then you automatically accept that mercury escapes from amalgam. This poses the question; where does the mercury go after it comes out of the amalgam? It doesn’t just disappear or vanish into thin air. Instead, it is stored in the body. Herein lies the challenge of removing mercury amalgam.

Mercury Comes Out of Amalgam and is Deposited Throughout the Body

In 1949, Dr Ralph Phillips studied 100 amalgam fillings at random and discovered that the mercury content in fillings ranged from 24.95% to 64.95%. When you consider that newly placed amalgam fillings are comprised of an average of 52% mercury - often even higher - that leaves an unexplained difference of 27% in many cases. So, what are the reasons for this disparity? Where does this 27% of mercury go, and how does it get there?

The explanation is simple; the friction of chewing and teeth grinding, and drinking hot liquids erodes the integrity of the amalgam and releases mercury. We used to test and validate this at Eric Davis Dental by having patients chew vigorously for a few minutes before analysing the air in their mouth with a Jerome Mercury Vapour Detector. The results consistently showed mercury vapour within the ‘hazardous range’. This poses the question; where does the mercury go after it is released from the amalgam? Again, the explanation is straightforward; your mouth is the gateway to your gut, and your gut is the gateway to a number of other body parts and functions. Mercury vapour is also inhaled - especially when breathing through the mouth - and travels to the lungs where it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream. Similarly, mercury is absorbed by gum tissue, after which it enters the bloodstream.

Mercury Remains Even After Amalgam Removal

Despite the bodies best effort to excrete mercury - as it does with most toxins - through sweat, urine or feces, mercury will often remain in the body as it accumulates more rapidly than it can be expelled. To this end, a 1989 study conducted on sheep and monkeys showed that 29 days after the animals had mercury amalgam removed, their bodies were still significantly burdened by mercury toxicity. The same is true for humans - as is evident in body chemistry analysis - where mercury is commonly stored in the brain, liver, kidney or bone even after the removal of amalgams. This toxic load expresses itself in symptomatology that endures long after the removal of amalgams (even when done by ‘biological’ or ‘holistic’ dentists). It is why we at Eric Davis Dental believe it irresponsible to simply remove mercury amalgam fillings. Instead, our approach to mercury is to implement a detoxification strategy - before and after the removal process - that enables the body to excrete any mercury accumulated over time. Without doing this, symptoms inevitably persist, and in many instances, will eventually manifest in disease.

A New Approach to Mercury Amalgam Removal

This is all to say that mercury does not merely disappear. It is for this reason that Eric Davis Dental works with sister clinic, Nutrition Diagnostics to formulate appropriate detoxification strategies for those affected by mercury toxicity.

To read more about how to detox from mercury, click here.