Dental Implants Not Without Problems.
- Immune dysfunction
- Immunological reactivity, metal sensitivity
- Galvanism
Dental implants are "metal screws", typically of titanium and other alloys, that are surgically inserted into the jaw to act as an anchor for a replacement tooth (the crown). While titanium is often described as a metal that doesnt react with tissues, there is evidence to suggest otherwise. The Bristol Wear Debris Team found that debris from joint replacements made from metals such as titanium, nickel, chrome and cobalt had worked their way into the liver, spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow (J Bone Joint Surg, 1994; 76B: 701-12).
Interview: “Ion release from metal implants is dangerous for human health”
Recently, the technical committee for dentistry of the International Organization for Standardization held its 50th meeting in Berlin in Germany. Independent experts from all over the world gathered to discuss new standards for dental implants, among other oral health care issues. After the committee meeting, Dental Tribune ONLINE met with Dr Jean-Paul Davidas, who is the oldest practising dental implantologist in Europe with about 50 years experience and a member of the French national organisation for standardisation (Association Française de Normalisation), to learn more about the latest developments in the field.
Dental implants have been "successfully" replacing missing teeth for over 45 years using titanium. Titanium is a metal and as such releases metal ions that can create metal sensitivities and allergies. The US National Library of Medicine posted the article “Allergy related to dental implant and its clinical significance” that discusses dental implants and reports on a study of biological processes involving metallic dental aids. To find out more you can read the article
Titanium is generally accepted to be a relatively inert substance with minimal side effects 1-3. However, evidence in the literature suggests that under some circumstances, the presence of titanium particles may be harmful, especially following frictional wear of medical prostheses or of screws such as those used in plate fixation during surgical procedures 4,5.
- Albrektsson T. The response of bone to titanium implants. Crit Rev Biocompat 1985; 1:53-84.
- Smith DC, Lugowski S, McHugh A, Deporter D, Watson PA, Chipman M. Systemic metal ion levels in dental implant patients. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 1997;12:828-834.
- Lugowski S, Smith DC, Bonek H, et al. Systemic metal ion levels in dental implant patients after five years. Actualites en Biomateriaus, Paris, France: Romillat, 2000;401-409.
- Wit JD, Swann M. Metal wear and tissue response in failed titanium alloy total hip replacements. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1991;73:559-563.
- Case CP, Langkamer VG, James C, et al. Widespread dissemination of metal debris from implants. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1994;76:701-712.
- Scales JT. Black staining around titanium alloy prostheses an orthopaedic enigma. J Bone Surg Br 1991;73:534-536.
- Jacobs JJ, Skipor AK, Black J, Urban RM, Galante MD. Release and excretion of metal in patients who have total hip-replacement component made of titanium-base alloy. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1991;73-A:1475-1486.
- Albores-Saavedra J, Vuitch F, Delgado R, Wiley E, Hagler H. Sinus histiocytosis of pelvic lymph nodes after hip replacement. A histiocytic proliferation induced by cobalt-chromium and titanium. Am J Surg Pathol 1994;18:83-90.
- Urban RM, Jacobs JJ, Tomlinson MJ, Gavrilovic J. Black J, Peoch M Dissemination of wear particals to the liver, spleen and abdominal lymph nodes of patients with hip or knee replacement. J. Bone Joint Surg Br 2000;82:457-476.

"Titanium is not inert; as bio-corrosion occurs then there is the potential for an immune reaction" states a paper in Dermatitis, which goes on to review titanium allergy cases. The authors explain that as life expectancy increases, so the use of metallic implant devices will increase. Patients with a reported history of sensitivity to metals may have an immune response to these implants. Sensitivity should be considered in cases of failed devices, unexplained symptoms, and skin reactions, allergy to the components of titanium alloys (nickel, cobalt) should also be examined.
To ensure that you don't have an "allergy" to particular metals, we advise that you undergo a MELISA (memory lymphocyte immunostimulation assay. This test detects the white blood cells that react to toxic metals, providing a diagnosis of metal sensitivity.
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The immune system determines 'self' from 'non-self'.......
Each of our cells have our genetic code on it. Heavy metals like mercury or LPS attach to cells and 'disguise' the cell. The immune system then sees that cell as 'non-self' which is a major contributor to autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, ALS, seizures, Lichen Planus , Rheumatoid Arthritis and others ..
The "conventional" medical approach to autoimmune disease is to kill the immune system, or suppress it
Another approach is to get rid of the cause and support the body how it is designed
Disease rarely, if ever, just happens. Rather, disease is preceded by a metabolic or physiological dysfunction. These imbalances emerge slowly and progress continuously, but generally are not noticeable because our bodies work very hard at accommodating the imbalances. However, if the cause of the dysfunction goes unrecognized, then the battle for balance can be a losing one. Maintenance of health after a disease process has been reversed is far more difficult than it was when we were in our original good health.